I saw Antichrist for the second time tonight and I think I understand it now. Well, at least more.
Here's my interpretation of the film:
[Spoiler alert]
The whole "Chaos Reigns" thing and "Nature is Satan's Church." I think one of the movies themes (apart from the obvious theme of misogyny) is how nature and the universe are chaotic and that order and structure are things that humans invented to try and make sense of the chaos. Or at least this is what "She" believes. This makes "Her" fear of nature more understandable, as it is more a fear of chaos.
I don't believe that the film has a misogynist viewpoint or supports misogyny.
First of all, the producer was a female (Meta Louise Foldager), and many women were involved with the film and worked very closely with Von Trier, including the misogyny researcher. Charlotte Gainsbourg (who played Her) said she was very proud to have been a part of it.
Secondly, everyone seems to forget the prologue of the movie (probably because they're all freaking out over the gore):
[SUPER SPOILER ALERT (highlight to reveal)]
"He" is greeted by hundreds of faceless women, who we assume were victims of misogynistic violence (especially witch burnings). These women were freed from their unjust deaths, because He (who is supposed to represent humanity, or "man") murdered She (who is supposed to represent misogyny). She is unknowingly the epitome of what 16th century misogynists believed women to be: Satanic and inherently evil. When she is killed, the misogyny has been overcome. It's an odd metaphor though, it's sort of like killing a cancer patient to symbolically show the end of cancer.
In conclusion: If this film were directed and written by a woman it would be considered a great piece of feminist cinema, but it was written and directed by Lars Von Trier and is therefore considered a misogynist piece of crap. I suggest you go see this film.
If you're still hesitant about the explicitness, you should see it at least watch the first part for the beautiful cinematography then leave shortly after "He" comes down from the attic.
Oh, and here are some stills:
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